ALL EVENTSPhysik, Neuer Hörsaal1, Foyer EG
Many-body screening of the band gap in doped bilayer graphene
Physik, Neuer Hörsaal 1, Foyer EG
Determination of spin-orbit interaction in semiconductor nanostructures via nonlinear transport
Neuer Hörsaal 1, EG Foyer
Christoph Bruder
Non-reciprocal interactions and entanglement between optically levitated nanoparticles
Physik, Neuer Hörsaal 1, Foyer EG
Coupling of a mechanical oscillator with quantum systems
Physik, Neuer Hörsaal 1, Foyer EG
Department of Physics
The Departement of Physics of the University of Basel is a center for international top-level research in the fields of nano and quantum physics, and cosmology and particle physics. Our students benefit from the excellence in research that offers them an outstanding range of courses supervised by highly talented assistants and renowned professors.