
Oliver Müller awarded Amerbach Price

/ Research, Studies, People

Oliver Müller awarded Amerbach Prize

The Amerbach Prize, funded by the University of Basel, was awarded to physicist Dr. Oliver Müller in recognition of his outstanding dissertation on the distribution and motion of dwarf galaxies in the constellation Centaurus A. He…
Basler Start-up Qnami wirbt 2,6 Millionen Franken ein

/ Research, People

Basler Start-up Qnami wirbt 2,6 Millionen Franken ein

Qnami entwickelt hochpräzise Quantensensoren, die magnetische Strukturen im Nanobereich untersuchen können. In einer Finanzierungsrunde konnte das Basler Start-up nun 2,6 Millionen Franken Kapital einwerben. Damit will Qunami ein…
A cavity leads to a strong interaction between light and matter

/ Research

A cavity leads to a strong interaction between light and matter

Researchers have succeeded in creating an efficient quantum-mechanical light-matter interface using a microscopic cavity. Within this cavity, a single photon is emitted and absorbed up to 10 times by an artificial atom. This opens up new…
FET-OPEN grant for topological states in germanium nanowires

/ Research

FET-OPEN grant for topological states in germanium nanowires

Limited scalability and the high sensitivity of qubits as building blocks for the quantum computer are still in the way of the ‘super computer’s’ big breakthrough. Researchers of the University of Twente, together with colleagues from…
Oliver Müller

/ Research

Oliver Müller erhält KlarText-Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation

Mit einem Beitrag über ein rotierendes System von Satellitengalaxien hat der Basler Physiker Dr. Oliver Müller den KlarText-Preis gewonnen. Die Klaus Tschira Stiftung zeichnet ihn damit für seine herausragende Wissenschaftskommunikation…
 How to control friction in topological insulators

/ Research

How to control friction in topological insulators

Topological insulators are innovative materials that conduct electricity on the surface, but act as insulators on the inside. Physicists at the University of Basel and the Istanbul Technical University have begun investigating how they…
Artistic illustration of the potential landscape defined by voltages applied to nanostructures in order to trap single electrons in a quantum dot.

/ Research

Machine learning at the quantum lab

The electron spin of individual electrons in quantum dots could serve as the smallest information unit of a quantum computer. Scientists from the Universities of Oxford, Basel and Lancaster have developed an algorithm that can be used to…
Christoph Bruder has just been elected "Fellow of the American Physical Society"!

/ Research

Christoph Bruder has just been elected "Fellow of the American Physical Society"!

Christoph Bruder has been awarded this honor for his work on quantum theory of many-body coherent phenomena in mesoscopic electron systems, cold atoms, and nanomechanical systems by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP).
Begrüssung der Erstsemestrigen zum Physikstudium

/ Research

Begrüssung der Erstsemestrigen zum Physikstudium

Am nächsten Montag 16. September 2019 heissen wir die neuen Physikstudierenden um 13:15 Uhr im neuen Hörsaal 1 der Physik, Eingang St. Johanns-Ring 25, willkommen. Zum gegenseitigen Kennenlernen gibt es im Anschluss um 15 Uhr einen Apéro in…

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