
Christoph Bruder has just been elected "Fellow of the American Physical Society"!

/ Research

Christoph Bruder has just been elected "Fellow of the American Physical Society"!

Christoph Bruder has been awarded this honor for his work on quantum theory of many-body coherent phenomena in mesoscopic electron systems, cold atoms, and nanomechanical systems by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP).
Begrüssung der Erstsemestrigen zum Physikstudium

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Begrüssung der Erstsemestrigen zum Physikstudium

Am nächsten Montag 16. September 2019 heissen wir die neuen Physikstudierenden um 13:15 Uhr im neuen Hörsaal 1 der Physik, Eingang St. Johanns-Ring 25, willkommen. Zum gegenseitigen Kennenlernen gibt es im Anschluss um 15 Uhr einen Apéro in…
1st Women in Physics networking hike

/ Research

1st Women in Physics networking hike

On Wednesday, June 10th 2019, a group of female physicists from various different research groups of the Department of Physics at the University of Basel set out on a journey to Beckenried, NW, at the shore of Lake Lucerne, to go on their…
Crystal phase engineering: the “art” of creating materials with tailor made properties by playing with their crystal structure

/ Research

Crystal phase engineering: the “art” of creating materials with tailor made properties by playing with their crystal structure

Nowadays materials science faces an even more ambitious task: creating materials by design, that is engineering materials with tailor made properties, typically because they can be useful for some specific applications. A way to achieve…
QUSTEC call for PhD students

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QUSTEC call for PhD students

Quantum Science and Technologies QUSTEC on EUCOR -- The European Campus (Uni Basel, Uni Freiburg, Uni Strasbourg, Karlsruhe KIT, and IBM Zurich) Call open for 39 doctoral fellowships at! Apply now, call closes Aug 19,…
The group of technology of the Department of Physics published a video of “rippling ribbons” to the Gallery of Fluid Motion competition held at the last annual APS/DfD meeting.

/ Research

The group of technology of the Department of Physics published a video of “rippling ribbons” to the Gallery of Fluid Motion competition held at the last annual APS/DfD meeting.

This video described a phenomenon during planar flow casting of amorphous metallic ribbons. Moreover, the use of these amorphous metallic ribbons and the collaboration with…
Cryo-force spectroscopy reveals the mechanical properties of DNA components

/ Research

Cryo-force spectroscopy reveals the mechanical properties of DNA components

Physicists from the University of Basel have developed a new method to examine the elasticity and binding properties of DNA molecules on a surface at extremely low temperatures. With a combination of cryo-force spectroscopy and computer…
Das Departement trauert um Professor G.A. Tammann (1932 - 2019).

/ Research

Das Departement trauert um Professor G.A. Tammann (1932 - 2019).

Philipp Treutlein and Nicolas Sangouard win Ehrenfest "Best Paper Award" for quantum foundations 2017!

/ Research

Philipp Treutlein and Nicolas Sangouard win Ehrenfest "Best Paper Award" for quantum foundations 2017!

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