/ Research
1st Women in Physics networking hike

On Wednesday, June 10th 2019, a group of female physicists from various different research groups of the Department of Physics at the University of Basel set out on a journey to Beckenried, NW, at the shore of Lake Lucerne, to go on their first Women in Physics networking hike. The goal of this event, which is also a part of the NCCR QSIT equal opportunities program, is to get to know each other, talk about both physics-related and -unrelated topics in a relaxed environment, and build up a sense of community among the female members of the department. After taking the cable car to Klewenalp, which offered amazing views of Lake Lucerne and the surrounding mountains, our path led us uphill to the SAC hut Brisenhaus, and from there in a big loop through meadows and forests back to Klewenalp. There, everyone was happy to get their well-deserved coffee and enjoy the sun until the cable car took us back down and we started our way home back to Basel.