/ Campus, Info
Easing of 'Emergency Operations'

Starting on 02.06.2020
We outline below a modified operating concept for the planned easing of ‘Emergency Operations’ on 02.06.2020. This concept allows a further increase of research activities, which require a physical presence in the Department of Physics, compared to the last ‘Emergency Operations’ concept initiated on 27.04.2020. We have also modified our designated maximum occupancy for all research spaces in the Department using your principles as guidelines: 4 m^2 per person of personal space and the possibility to maintain 2 m of separation. Our concept continues to ensure compliance with the safety and hygiene standards set by the University to combat the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
The Department’s rules are:
• The Department remains closed to the public and open only to those
with a key.
• Wherever possible, work should be done from home.
• All meetings and courses should be held via video conference.
• Anyone in at-risk categories should minimize time and contact with others in the Department.
• Each research space in the Department (lab, workshop, office, seminar room) has a designated maximum occupancy indicated by a sign on the entrance. This limit is not to be exceeded.
• A closed electronic sign-up system (via Google Calendar or the like) will ensure that the maximum number of individuals in a room is never exceeded. In case of an infection, the system will also allow for full traceability of who was where and when.
• In the Department, members should maintain a 2 m separation between themselves and others as much as possible. In any space where 2 m of separation cannot be maintained at all times, facemasks should be worn.
• Shared surfaces, equipment, and other shared objects should be disinfected before and after use.
• Elevators and bathrooms are to be used by only 1 person at a time.
• Public areas (break rooms, coffee kitchens, etc.) should be used as little as possible. When used, individuals must maintain 2 m of separation.
• Hands should be washed regularly, touching one’s face should be avoided. The general hygiene recommendations of the BAG should be followed: www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/so-schuetzen-wir-uns.html
• Anyone with a fever or cough should report to his/her supervisor, should be tested, and should not come to the department. Anyone who has a member of his/her family or inner circle who is infected or suspected of infection, should not come to the department.
• If someone tests positive for the coronavirus, his/her contacts should get tested (as identified via our closed electronic sign-up system), should not come to the department, and should go to quarantine.
• Those with access to the Department should behave in such a way as to protect themselves and their colleagues both inside and outside the Department. They should follow the recommendations given by the BAG, including being in public only when necessary, washing hands frequently, and keeping their distance from others.
Compliance with the above rules will be ensured by once or twice daily walk-throughs of the Department by Head of Technology & Safety, Dr. Laurent Marot.
As always, please take these rules seriously.