/ Research
Jelena Klinovaja receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Prof. Jelena Klinovaja will theoretically study topological quantum matter and its use for quantum technology.
Prof. Jelena Klinovaja is researching new methods to induce and selectively modify topological phases. Her project focuses on various topological phases arising in semiconductors with strong spin-orbit interactions due to superconductivity that is induced by photons in quantum cavities. This novel way of inducing superconducting pairing by coupling quantum light to quantum matter opens entirely new perspectives for both the generation of novel topological phases and their manipulation, which could find applications in future quantum technology.
Read more here. https://www.unibas.ch/en/News-Events/News/Uni-People/Four-ERC-Consolidator-Grants-for-research-in-Basel.html?mtm_campaign=UN_20220317_ERC
Jelena Klinovaja was appointed as assistant professor with tenure-track in theoretical physics at the University of Basel in 2014 and promoted to associate professor in 2018.