Saturday Morning Physics
Saturday Morning Physics 2025
"Saturday Morning Physics" is an exciting series of events for anyone interested in physics - especially young people aged 14 and over. A researcher from the University of Basel will give a lecture on quantum physics and explain how things work in the world of atoms and what this has to do with quantum technology.
In addition to the lecture, there will be an experiment park organised by pupils from the Phaenovum Lörrach and the Kirschgarten grammar school.
The event marks the start of the UNESCO International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, in which the Department of Physics and the Basel Quantum Center are organizing a series of public events on quantum physics together with partners in the Basel region.
"Saturday Morning Physics" is taking place on the 25th of January 2025.
10:00 Quantum physics - from paradox to technological revolution by Prof. Dr Philipp Treutlein (Department of Physics, University of Basel)
10:45 Coffee break, discussion
11:15 Experiments Park
12:30 End
Department of Physics
QR-Code for Registration

Registration deadline 22nd of January 2025.