Bachelor Physics
Excellent Student-to-Staff Ratio
From the first semester on our students benefit from an excellent student-to- staff ratio that is unique both on the national and international level. It allows the students to get in touch with our research groups early on in their studies. The study-friendly environment makes the Department of Physics an attractive choice for students from Switzerland and all over the world.
Interdisciplinary Studies
Students at our physics department also take courses in other disciplines. The Departments of Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Informatics teach a wide variety of complementary lectures and these departments also offer the two interdisciplinary degree programs of nanosciences and computational sciences. Our students also have access to courses offered by other faculties e.g. in the humanities or social science.
Family Atmosphere
The familiar and friendly environment of the Department of Physics enables our students not only to receive an excellent academic education, but also to enjoy good social interaction. Our Physics department creates a warm atmosphere through exciting activities such as the integration competition, joint barbecues and the very popular Games Night. Solving exercises together not only deepens and exchanges knowledge, but also strengthens team spirit.
Proximity to Research
Our renowned professors and lecturers enjoy an outstanding reputation both nationally and internationally, and bring a keen knowledge of the latest and most cutting-edge science to their teaching. This enables us to offer a wide range of courses on state-of-the-art research topics in nano and quantum physics, as well as cosmology and particle physics. The close connection between teaching and research is also exemplified by practical research courses, which take place directly in the laboratories of our research groups and are available to our students at an early stage of their studies.
University of Basel - City of Basel
The University of Basel offers attractive, high-quality degree programs and many additional benefits, e.g. affordable sports programs and language courses. It is located in the center of the city of Basel – a highly livable and truly international city of manageable size, with a high quality of life and a rich variety of scientific, sporting, and cultural events and activities which often offer student discounts.
Excellent Job Perspectives
Our graduates are in high demand nationally and worldwide, and are excellently-placed for successful careers based on the knowledge and skills they acquire at the department. The numerous research institutes and technology companies in the greater Basel area offer a multitude of world-class job opportunities right around the corner.
Basic Information |
Degree Bachelor
Typ Degree Program
Start Date Fall Semester
Std. Period of Study 6 Semesters
Credits 180
Language German/English
Admission Requirement |
Dates and Deadlines |
Responsible Faculty |
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences
Registration to Study PhysicsStudy Counselling for Prospective Students
General questions about study or degree courses contact |
University of Basel's general study counselling office
Questions studying physics |
Convinced by the Bachelor's degree in Physics. Register now!
Schülerinnen und Schüler können am Schülerstudium der Universität Basel im Rahmen des Begabtenförderprogamms der Schulen teilnehmen.
Honors Track
The Honors Track is characterized by participation in one of the physics department's research groups, completion of a research internship, and individual mentoring by a professor. Successful participation in the Honors Track is rewarded with an annual cash award equal to the annual tuition.
The information on this website is not legally binding and may not reflect the most recent changes in the study regulations (Studienordnung). To obtain more information and in case of questions, please contact us.