

/ News, Research

Nature Physics published: Anisotropic exchange interaction of two hole-spin qubits

First demonstration of a 2Q gate with holes in Silicon! In a fin field-effect transistor, the workhorse device of today’s semiconductor industry.
Tomasz Smoleński

/ Research, People

Appointment of Tomasz Smoleński as new assistant professor with tenure track

Tomasz Smoleński has been appointed as the new assistant professor with tenure track for experimental quantum nanophysics and/or quantum materials in the Department of Physics. In his research, he uses optical spectroscopy to explore…
H.-O. Meyer

/ People

Prof Hans-Otto Meyer donates a house to the university

Prof Hans-Otto Meyer, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Indiana University, USA, still feels connected to the University of Basel, where he studied and completed his doctorate from 1962 to 1970. His recent gift of a house to the University…

/ News, Research

Novel Insights into the Flavor Puzzle

The elementary particles of matter, quarks, and leptons are organized into three generations (flavors). The first generation forms the building blocks of ordinary matter, while the subsequent, more exotic generations decay rapidly when…

/ Research, People

On the road to Quantum Computers

On the 14th April is the World Quantum Day! On the road to practical quantum computers, NCCR SPIN researchers thrive to make progress everyday, step by step, juggling between successes and challenges. Thank you to all of them for teaming up…
Golde Kreide 2023

/ People, Campus

Best Teaching Awards HS 2023

The winners of the golden chalk HS2023 are known!
Christian Schönenberger

/ People, Info

Christian Schönenberger announced as Outstanding APS Referees 2024

In APS March Meeting 2024, Christian Schönenberger was announced as one of the outstanding APS referees for 2024. We congratulate him on this highlight.
Gewinner SYPT

/ People

The winners of this year’s SYPT Marc Schildknecht, Eric Kamm and Adrian Rothfritz

Congratulations to the winners of the team "Quantum Fluid" Marc Schildknecht, Eric Kamm and Adrian Rothfritz from MNG Rämibühl and a warm thank-you to all participants and organizers. It was great to have you at the Physics Department in…

/ People

Swiss Young Physicists' Tournament at the Department of Physics

The Physics Department will host this year's Swiss Young Physicists' Tournament (SYPT) on March 16th and 17th.

Seminars & Colloquium

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