/ News
Operational Concept effective from 20.12.21

Effective on 20.12.2021, the Departement of Physics has a new operating concept to prevent spreading of the Covid-19 virus.
We outline below a new operating concept effective on 20.12.2021, which is consistent with the University’s new rules: https://www.unibas.ch/en/News-Events/Coronavirus/For-Researchers.html.
The Department’s rules are:
- The Department remains closed to the public; only members of the university (as identified by University ID) are allowed entry. No guests are allowed in the Department.
- An official COVID certificate is mandatory (3G).
- Masks are mandatory at all times inside the Department except in offices with single occupancy.
- Wherever possible, work should be done from home.
- Food and beverages must be consumed while seated at tables.
- All meetings should be held via video conference. Physical meetings are only permitted in emergencies.
Approved by,
Philipp Treutlein
Professor & Department Chair