/ Organizational Unit / Leon
Operational Concept effective on 14.09.2020

We outline below a new operating concept effective on 14.09.2020 in time for the start of HS2020 (https://www.unibas.ch/en/News-Events/Coronavirus/For-Researchers.html).
The Department’s rules are:
- The Department remains closed to the public; only members of the university (as identified by University ID) are allowed entry.
- Masks are to be worn in all corridors, foyers, staircases, and lifts. At workplaces, masks are mandatory, unless >1.5m of separation can be maintained at all time.
- Wherever possible, work should be done from home.
- All meetings should be held via video conference. When in-person meetings are beneficial, they can be held in the department, so long as hygiene standards and 1.5 m of separation can be maintained throughout.
- Anyone in at-risk categories should minimize time and contact with others in the Department.
- Each research space in the Department (lab, workshop, office, seminar room) has a designated maximum occupancy indicated by a sign on the entrance. This limit is not to be exceeded.
- To allow contact tracing, it is documented who regularly works in the same rooms with whom. A sign-up system is used to document irregular occupancy of shared rooms.
- Shared surfaces, equipment, and other shared objects should be disinfected before and after use.
- Hands should be washed regularly, touching one’s face should be avoided. The general hygiene recommendations of the BAG should be followed:
www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/so-schuetzen-wir-uns.html - Anyone with a fever or cough should not come to the department, should report to his/her supervisor, and should be tested. Anyone who has a member of his/her family or inner circle who is infected or suspected of infection, should not come to the department.
- If someone tests positive for the coronavirus or is required by the authorities to quarantine, he/she should immediately report this to the Corona Task Force (via https://www.unibas.ch/en/News-Events/Coronavirus/Corona-Reporting-Form.html) and his/her direct supervisor. He/she should not come to the department.
Approved by,
Martino Poggio
Professor & Department Chair