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Tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Quantum Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing (Deadline 15th of January 2022)

The Department of Physics at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a professorship in quantum condensed matter theory and quantum computing.
The Department of Physics at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a professorship in quantum condensed matter theory and quantum computing. The University of Basel is the home institution of the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) project "SPIN: Spin Qubits in Silicon" supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. NCCR SPIN has started in August 2020, and aims to develop elements of scalable quantum computer technology, focusing on electron and hole spin qubits in silicon and germanium. More details are available from https://nccr-spin.ch. Linked to NCCR SPIN, a new tenure-track assistant professorship has been created in quantum condensed matter theory and quantum information or computing. For appling and more information please visit AcademicJobsOnline. (Deadline 15th of January 2022 )