

/ Research

Adding noise for completely secure communication

How can we protect communications against “eavesdropping” if we don’t trust the devices used in the process? This is one of the main questions in quantum cryptography research. Researchers at the University of Basel and ETH Zurich have…
Simon Suter

/ People, Campus

Congratulation to Simon Suter for his successful final apprenticeship examination

We congratulate our apprentice Simon Suter to his successful apprenticeship as a poly mechanic. He graduated his final exam with a grade of 5.3/6.

/ Campus, Info

Operational Concept for the Department of Physics

New operating concept effective on 10.06.2020
Prof. Martino Poggio

/ People

Prof. Martino Poggion: Promotion to Full Professor

The Department of Physics congratulates Prof. Martino Poggio on his promotion to Full Professor as of 1st August 2020.

/ Campus, Info

Easing of 'Emergency Operations'

Starting on 02.06.2020
Topologisches Material

/ Research

Lossless conduction at the edges

Atomically thin layers of the semimetal tungsten ditelluride conduct electricity losslessly along narrow, one-dimensional channels at the crystal edges. The material is therefore a second-order topological insulator. By obtaining…
Prof. Stefan Antusch

/ People

Prof. Stefan Antusch: Promotion to Full Professor

The Department of Physics congratulates Prof. Stefan Antusch on his promotion to Full Professor as of 1st August 2020.
New EU project approved

/ Research

Focused ion beam opens the door to highly sensitive probes – New EU project approved

Argovia Professor Martino Poggio of the University of Basel’s Department of Physics is to lead a recently approved project under the European Horizon 2020 program.
Quantum System coupling

/ Research

Laser loop couples quantum systems over a distance

For the first time, researchers have succeeded in creating strong coupling between quantum systems over a greater distance. They accomplished this with a novel method in which a laser loop connects the systems, enabling nearly lossless…

Seminars & Colloquium