Start-ups & Spin-offs
QNAMI is a recent startup company that was spun of from the Quantum Sensing Group of Prof. Patrick Maletinsky.
The central mission of QNAMI is to commercialise quantum sensing technologies that have been developed in the Basel Physics department in recent years. A particular focus will lie on tools and full instruments for nanoscale quantum sensing with single spins.
For more information click on this short portrait and/or please visit QNAMI's website or contact us.

Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056, Basel
T +41 (0)61 207 3740
Basel Precision Instruments GmbH
Low-noise ultra-stable electronics for quantum science and technology
Basel Precision Instruments develops ultra-low-noise precision laboratory and test electronics for low-temperature quantum applications. The spin-off of the Zumbühl group and the electronics laboratory at the physics department at the University of Basel was founded in March 2018. Basel Precision instruments' products are in use at the forefront of research and innovation in hundreds of research and government laboratories across the globe.
For more information, visit us at or get in touch through email.

Basel Precision Instruments GmbH
Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056, Basel
T +41 (0)79 424 8613