Master in Detail
In a Proseminar, students present a talk about a topic they choose, usually in English. Several Proseminars are offered regularly, please have a look into the course directory), including topics out of experimental physics, theoretical physics as well as cosmology and particle physics.
A research project with a duration of 6 weeks has to be conducted in one of the experimental or theoretical research groups needs to be completed, including a written report and counts 10CP.
Before starting the work on a Master's Project, it is necessary to generate and fill out a Master's project form online via MOnA. After the project, the supervisor reports the grade online.
At least 16 CP of the elective courses have to be chosen from the masters program lectures offered by the Department of Physics or from 2nd and 3rd year lectures or masters program lectures offered by the Department of Mathematics and Informatics. That is to say, that up to 8 CP can be completed outside the departments of Physics and Mathematics/Informatics.
Since 2012, it is also possible to earn credit points through an internship at a secondary school in Basel-Stadt or Baselland. Detailed information is summarized in the agreement on school internships (available in German).
More information about courses can be found in the course directory.
Exams usually take place after lectures are finished. They are either oral or a in written form. More detailed information is given in the beginning of each class. With registration to a class, registration to the exam is done automatically. To unsubscribe from an exam, please contact the teacher directly.
The course content of two specialized lectures (at least 8 CP) will be examined. The students are supposed to demonstrate their knowledge beyond the contents of the two single lectures.
Please, consider the following information and follow this procedure:
- The titles and examinators of the two lectures has to be sent to the study coordination for approval (in collaboration with the teaching commitee).
- The date (and time) of the oral Master's Examination has to be arranged by the student in agreement with the examinators.
- At the latest, four weeks before the arranged date, a personal registration to the Master's Examination has to be done in the office of the study coordination.
- The oral Master's exam must be passed before starting the work on the Master's thesis.
The master thesis is the most important part of this degree program. It consists of
- a 2 months period of preparation for the master thesis, being finished e.g. by a small presentation in a group meeting or a written outline of the master thesis project
- a 6 months period of investigation/writing the actual master thesis. Students usually choose a research group of their interest and ask the PI of the group, whether one could realise one's master thesis project within that group. Examples for master thesis projects are listed here.
Most information about ongoing projects, however, is available on the respective webpage of the research groups. The topic of investigation is then being decided in consultation with the respective supervisor. Before starting to work on the Master's project, a specific learning contract has to be filled out and signed by the student and the thesis' supervisor.
Important: Before starting the master thesis, this learning contract has to be signed by the head of the Physics Studies Commission in two copies: one for the supervisor (/secretary) and one for the student. The study coordinator is handling this process.
After the master thesis is completed, it has to be submitted together with a signed declaration of scientific integrity. The master thesis will be evaluated by the supervisor and one additional expert. After evaluation, the supervisor enters the grade of the master thesis on the prepared learning contract, signs and sends it to the study coordinator.
The final grade of the master's degree results from the master project (1/4 weight), the oral master's exam (1/4 weight) and the master thesis (1/2 weight).
The information on this website is not legally binding and may not reflect the most recent changes in the study regulations (Studienordnung). To obtain more information, please contact the study coordinator.
Head of the Studies Committee
Studies Coordinator
The information on this website is not legally binding and may not reflect the most recent changes in the study regulations (Studienordnung). To obtain more information and in case of questions, please contact us.